Friday, January 13, 2012

I LOVE my Curves...but NOT the Belly Fat

Waging war on Belly Fat: Take ONE

Like many women, I used to be skinny. Then I became a "woman" when I hit age 25 and blossomed. I went from a size 4 in college initally to about a size 8 at graduation. Somewhere in between, and 6 years a size 14.

While I love being a curvy woman, I don't love the belly fat that I've acquired and neither does the rest of my body. I think that a curvy woman is attractive, seductive and feminine. I don't want to lose my curves either, I just want to lose some of this ridiculous belly roll that I've developed.

I am not a fan of diets, and I haven't ever been! I tried a couple things here and there but none of them stuck for even a week before I gave up. I tried Hydroxycut, Hoodia and then a fad diet too. I tried to eat "healthy" and excercised on and off again for months losing weight but gaining it all back after giving up on the programs.

8 days ago, I joined Weight Watchers online. I can tell you that I never wanted to try another diet again in my life but I actually feel differently towards this program. When I learned that I could still eat everything I wanted, but learn how to portion my food and monitor my intakes properly so that I could lose weight AND adapt a healthy lifestyle, I was interested in learning more. So I did. I went to a meeting and listening to people chatter about their losses, browsed through the foods and bought a couple things including the Points Plus Calculator, Dining Out Guide and the Food companion books. Later that day, I officially paid for a 3 month subcription to Weight Watchers Online.

I have to's been a piece of cake! Hahaha. I am not starving. I am realizing that I was eating 3 to 4 times the amount of food in portion that I was supposed to be eating every meal. I realized I can eat pizza an chocolate and more but I need to be considerate of my options.

Why worry about weight loss? I really want to start a family in the future and I want to be healthy for my family. I want to run again. I miss running and the high it gives me but with too many extra pounds, it hurts my knees to run and I give up easily.

One week down and I weighed in yesterday only to find that I had just lost a 1/2 lb. A measily little 1/2 a pound?? I was shocked, disturbed and angry. Here I was following all the rules and not getting results. I hadn't eaten out fast food all week (not that you can't), hadn't drank pop (not that you can't) and didn't lose any weight!

After mentioning my dissapointment with a few others, I realized it was ok! I had lost 1/2 a pound and that was something to be proud of! So, I stopped whining and went back on with my day.

Funny thing is, today I realized I was acting silly! I didn't sign up with the program to be "skinny", I signed up to feel good about myself and my choices. And you know what, I do. I realized that my stomached appeared smaller today, really! I am down one belt notch more than usual. I'm less bloated, less fatigued and am happy! Really happy!

I'm not gonna say that eating like a rabbit will make you happy but I am saying that I notice a positive change in myself that is worth more than the weight of gold! I am a super competetive person and I know that's why I initially freaked out a bit when I hadn't lost as much weight as I had "expected".

I'm now throwing my expectations out the door and going with what feels right and good.

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  1. Yay! That is awesome :) I am so happy for you! Weight Watchers is great although I never stuck to it because I don't think I was ready to commit. It is great my mom and grandma lost 50lbs on Weight Watchers.

  2. Thank you so much for your comment MommyRehab!

  3. 1/2 a pound is pretty good! Seriously. You're only supposed to safely lose 1/2 to 2 pounds a week. For bigger women, 2 pounds is doable, but once you start getting to a smaller body weight, 1/2 pounds is a fantastic achievement. :) You'll be there in no time!

  4. Hi!
    Great Blog :)
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC and Bloglovin? I will be more than happy...

